Medical Termination


Medical Termination (abortion)

Medical termination is a safe and effective, non surgical option to terminate your pregnancy. Medication is used in a 2 step process and is 98% successful. This method is safe for pregnancies up to 9 weeks gestation. 

The first stage involves taking a tablet which blocks the hormone necessary for the pregnancy to continue. This is followed by a second medication taken 36-48hrs after which will cause the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy.

Follow up will be required 3 weeks later to confirm the pregnancy has terminated. 

Counselling services are available by referral if required.


  • You do not require a referral to attend the Rouse Hill Women’s Health Clinic, but please bring  referral if available and any blood tests you may have completed for this pregnancy already.
  • Please arrive to clinic 10 mins early to complete administration paperwork supplied by reception staff. This will remain confidential.
  • Support person – it is advisable to have someone with you for support although not a requirement. You are able to drive yourself home from the appointment.
  • The first consultation will include an appointment with the Nurse who will complete a medical questionnaire followed by your consultation with the Doctor. Your support person will be asked to join you after your initial assessment by nurse if you desire.
  • After an assessment and medical history your Doctor will then discuss the option of medical termination, including the process, possible complications and aftercare. They will also discuss future contraception options for you.
  • The first set of the medication will be administered in the Doctors room. This very rarely has side effects so you can eat normally and do all of your usual activities on the first day. (You may eat prior to the first tablet )
  • You will be given another set of medication and directions to take at home 36-48hrs later. Some women experience a small amount of bleeding following the first set of medication.
  • The second set of medication will be taken at home as directed by your Dr. you will need to plan to stay home following this medication for at least 24hrs.
  • Cramping and bleeding will start 1-4hrs after taking the medication in most cases. Cramping should diminish after 24hrs.
  • Bleeding can be very heaving for a couple of hours until the pregnancy is expelled and then return to more like a heavy period.
  • Bleeding may continue on and off for a couple of weeks.
  • In some cases a second dose of medication may be required if bleeding has not occurred after 24hrs of taking the second step.
  • Your doctor will advise you of any risks associated with a medical termination. Please contact the 24 hour help line should you need to discuss any concerns with a nurse following the procedure on Ph 1300 888 022.

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02 9679 1098


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