Antenatal Shared Care

Antenatal Shared Care

Antenatal shared care is the joint care of pregnant women by her GP and the hospital antenatal clinic. Antenatal shared care aim’s to provide pregnant women with flexibility, choice and continuity of care.

How Does It Work?

After initial assessment and referral from the GP the pregnant woman attends the hospital’s antenatal clinic for an obstetric assessment. If she is eligible she will then attend routine antenatal care visits with her GP. 

This will continue until late in the pregnancy until the pregnant women returns to the antenatal clinic where the hospital will be responsible for her Intrapartum care. A very strict protocol is followed and GP’s can refer back to the Hospital at any time.

Who can have antenatal shared care?

Antenatal shared care is an option for pregnant women who have no adverse maternal or foetal pregnancy risk factors.

Exclusion for antenatal shared care includes:

  • HIV or Hep C infection

  • Multiple pregnancy (Twins or more)

  • History of complications in the most recent pregnancy. (eg. Stillbirth (in any pregnancy), Preterm labour, Eclampsia etc).

  • Medical conditions (Diabetes on insulin, Hypertension on medication, Autoimmune disorders, severe asthma, etc).

Please feel free to discuss antenatal shared care with your GP.

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