STI Screening

Sexually Transmitted Infection

An STI ( sexually transmitted infection ) is passed on when you are intimate with your partner. There are many STI’s and some such as Chlamydia are very easy to contract and often have no symptoms. 

Get tested regularly....

It is recommended that young people who may not have found a single partner yet, or people who have become involved with a new partner get tested every 6 months.

Some STI’s such has HIV can have significant consequences if they are not diagnosed and treatment is started early.

Others such as Chlamydia have a very simple treatment (just 2 tablets), but if not treated can eventually cause infertility.

Get in touch....

If you are interested in having an STI screen and discussing effective ways to try and prevent contracting an STI please come and talk with our doctors at Rouse Hill Women’s Health Clinic. 

To make an appointment call ph 02 96791098 or email

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Tue, Wed & Friday 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
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