Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition which affects 1 in 5 Australian women. Symptoms include irregular periods, acne, difficulties with conception, excess facial or body hair or weight gain.

PCOS can be treated and it is important to get a diagnosis early to help with future fertility planning and to reduce long term challenges with metabolic syndrome (tendency to develop poor blood sugar and cholesterol control which can increase risk of developing heart disease in the future.)

Your GP or a doctor at Rouse Hill Women’s Health Clinic can help diagnose and manage your PCOS. Management requires a multidisciplinary approach looking at diet, exercise and on occasion medication.


Symptoms include irregular periods, acne, difficulties with conception, excess facial or body hair or weight gain.

PCOS can be treated and it is important to get a diagnosis early to help with future fertility planning and to reduce long term challenges with metabolic syndrome (tendency to develop poor blood sugar and cholesterol control which can increase risk of developing heart disease in the future.)

Your GP or a doctor at Rouse Hill Women’s Health Clinic can help diagnose and manage your PCOS. Management requires a multidisciplinary approach looking at diet, exercise and on occasion medication.


PCOS can be treated and it is important to get a diagnosis early to help with future fertility planning and to reduce long term challenges with metabolic syndrome (tendency to develop poor blood sugar and cholesterol control which can increase risk of developing heart disease in the future.)

Your GP or a doctor at Rouse Hill Women’s Health Clinic can help diagnose and manage your PCOS. Management requires a multidisciplinary approach looking at diet, exercise and on occasion medication.

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